Please note, there are different login sites.
If you are with Nexion, please use the "OnTarget ESP" link.
Otherwise, if you have an account with Passport Online directly, please use the "ESP" link.
ESP is a social media content and automated Facebook posting product. It provides daily travel-relevant posts that can be automated to your Facebook business page. It also offers optional add-ons like the Social Media Library, ESP Deals, and Advanced Delivery. If you are not a current ESP user and would like to be, you can sign-up here.
Once your registration for ESP has been completed, you will receive an email with your login ID, password, and the link to sign-in to ESP. You may want to bookmark the ESP login page for easy access.
After logging in for the first time, you will be brought to a 'Terms & Conditions' page. You are required to check the box stating you have read and agree to the terms & conditions and sign by typing in your name.
Your next step will be to create your customer profile.
Your Profile contains settings that control your ESP program as well as your branding information that displays to customers.
To get to your profile, select Manage Profile from the home page, and then Edit Profile:
Once you've completed your customer profile, you will be prompted to authorize ESP access to your Facebook. Select the Authorize button to continue.
Note: If you don't see an Authorize button, please try using a different internet browser.
Selecting Authorize will bring you to Facebook. You'll need to log in to your personal account (or your browser may remember your account for you) and then select which Facebook page you'd like ESP to post to:
Next you'll need to grant ESP permissions:
Lastly, you'll be asked to activate your profile.
After your profile has been activated, you'll be brought back to the home screen for you ESP account where you'll see a notification that your profile has been set up. You are now all set!